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blog/ october 5
Exterior Update the best time of the year. I said what I said and stand by it. Honestly, the weather has been wonderful to us during all these renovations (we don't have any sort of air conditioning at the moment but plan to add during spring when we'll need it). We really wanted to get the house painted before the cold weather began and I could not stand the sight of the sad exterior any longer. Our siding is currently a cedar wood material, so low and behold we found out during the inspection that there were obvious signs of wood peckers. Evidently, our inspector told us that they seem to like dark siding vs light. So, that made our decision easy and ended up going with Snowbound by Sherwin Williams in Satin finish. I do really like it, but now that its all said and done, I wish I would've chosen a more earthy, creamier white vs a bright/ flat white color.
Don't judge the landscaping - i'm patiently waiting for it all to grow :)
Heres a rundown of all the paint colors we used ::
TIP : If your ever buying paint from Sherwin Williams ALWAYS watch for discounts (they typically do 30-40% off every month)!
» Snowbound by Sherwin Williams (satin)
» Tiki Hut by Sherwin Williams (eggshell) - side pitches
» Tricorn Black by Sherwin Williams (satin) - door/ windows/ soffit & fascia

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