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blog/ december 1

Holiday decor top picks

December has arrived and I just cannot contain my excitement. I truly love the holidays!

This year I really wanted to incorporate a lot of wood/ natural tones into our home...I had a ton of luck at Joanns and Michaels for holiday ornaments and random nick nacks surprisingly! Otherwise, most of the random items were DIY'd and thrifted/ marketplace! 

Here are some of the details :: 

- Wreath was bought at Walmart and decorated with pine cones, dried out orange slices and cute reindeer I found at Michaels!

- Each of the garland was hand made with jute ribbon and if their wasn't a hole to go through I would drill myself! The tinker toys were an antique play set that I found on etsy!

- The reindeer village was created with a wooden bowl and moss I got at walmart!

- The knitted stockings I found on Amazon and the Sherpa ones are from target! I didn't like that they were in the shape of a bone but I could barely tell once I hung them up! 

My kitchen shelving will always be my favorite spot in the house. It's just way to fun to incorporate daily items we use and also spruce up with new decor!


I found a scrabble game to use for our "Merry Christmas" and now we have a new game to play with as well!


I don't love the look of most snow globes so I found an empty wooden one on amazon here, put a few small trees and a wooden knutcracker and it turned out pretty cute i'd say! 


The wagon was a huge score found at a local thrift store that I added a tree to and I think it is my ultimate favorite pick this year :) 

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